What's Going On:

Sabbath July 31, 2021

We anxiously await the resumption of in-house worship and we know that the lifting of those restrictions is just around the corner. However, we are here today streaming “Live” as we do every Saturday morning from 10:00am. We also invite you to join us on the Zoom platform for Sunday and Wednesday evening services beginning at 6:00pm.

Last Saturday was the continuation of our special Youth Emphasis Series entitled “God is still Provider, Sustainer, Deliverer”. This 3-part series is being hosted by the youth of our church. For the final installment this week, we await a message from Pastor Shalon Kerr who’s Word to us will be based on the topic: “God is still our Provider”. Logon to our YouTube channel as this Word from God’s manservant will be coming up from around 11:30am.

It is with great sorrow and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of one of our dear and longstanding brothers-in-faith, Bro. Ronald Sooklalsingh, who passed away on Thursday, July 29th. Our prayers and condolences go out to the Sooklalsingh family and all loved ones and friends. The funeral arrangements for Bro. Sooklalsingh will be announced as more information comes to hand. However, the service will most likely be streamed “Live” from Five Rivers SDA via our YouTube channel so stay tuned for more details.

We take this opportunity to remind you that we continue to pray for all of our church members and viewers, so Please continue sending in your prayer requests! The link is located in the bio of the stream on YouTube every week. You can also email us at connect@fiveriverssda.org.

This weekend, the Barbados Religious Liberty Association, in collaboration with the Caribbean Religious Liberty Association of the Caribbean Union Conference will be hosting a weekend symposium (July 30th-August 1st). All are invited to the Sunday program for which you must be registered. Interested persons can register here via this link.

Next week sees the occurrence of another exciting program, namely Uniform Day. We know that Uniform day is an annual presentation hosted by our very own Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides. This year they went outdoors and from what I’ve been hearing, there is a treat in store for us. So be sure to tune in next Saturday, Sabbath August 7th for this exciting event!

And the hits just keep coming! Our 2021 Family Life Series “A Fresh Start” begins on Saturday August 14th, 2021 and runs for 7 blood-pumping, heart-stopping, jaw-dropping weeks. There is no way on earth that you would want to miss this: Love, Suspense, Intrigue, Heartbreak, Reconciliation and more! Stay tuned to our website and YouTube channel for more details.

We remind you that in addition to our YouTube channel, you can also follow Five Rivers SDA Church on Facebook @frsdachurch, Instagram @frsdachurch and Twitter @frsdachurch. Our youth department is also in Instagram as @FrsdaAy. We invite you to visit us on those forum as we post positive and uplifting content to help keep us going during the week.

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