Welcome and Happy Sabbath. A warm welcome to those who fellowship inhouse as well as our online viewing audience, we are happy to have you. This is the Five Rivers SDA live stream. We are here every Saturday to present God’s word and of course you are in for a blessing straight from God. Today is the 2nd message in our “Personalize It” mini-series and joining us this morning to break the bread is Pastor Peter Morris. So stay right where you are and prepare to be blessed.
All are invited to join us on our Zoom platform tomorrow, April 30th at 6:00PM for another health presentation. This week we have Dr. Kiel Greene, all the way from the UK, speaking on the topic “I love my kidneys and you should love yours too”. If you want to know about taking good care of your kidneys, we’ll see you there. See our social media pages for the login information. Please take note that because of the Sunday evening service, there will be no Monday morning service this week.
Prayer and Fast service takes place next Sabbath (May 6th) right after the midday service. All are invited so prepare to come spend a few hours with God.
All members of the Five Rivers SDA Church are invited to a scheduled Church Business meeting to be held on Wednesday May 10th at 7PM, immediately after our Wednesday evening Zoom church service. Your presence is needed and required so please make every effort to attend this very important meeting. NB: This meeting will be held virtually on the Zoom platform
ROAD TRIP!!! All are invited to our outdoor program on May 13th. Destination is the Las Lomas Nature Center. Please note that this program will not be streamed. Persons in need of transport are asked to put their names on the list on the church’s notice board. Come out and enjoy a day of fun fellowship.
We remind you to keep sending in your prayer request for your friends and family members so we can intercede on their behalf. Additionally, if you wish to learn more about Jesus through Bible study and you are ready to go all the way in baptism, you can contact us by clicking on the link located in our YouTube bio on our YouTube channel. You can also email us at connect@fiveriverssda.org.
2 responses to “Sabbath April 29, 2023”
Good evening Brother Thomas.
Thanks very much for the notices. Tomorrow’s topic is of great interest to me as I have had serious issues with kidney stones, plus my Mom who was on dialysis for 11 years, died last May of renal failure.
I have only recently been added to this forum and I’m not sure where to locate the social media pages to obtain the login information.
I would greatly appreciate if you should direct me accordingly. Thanks very much.
Good day,
Please forgive the late response. Sometimes messages direct to the website get lost in transmission. Our main social pages are FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram. They are all @frsdachurch and you can find info on our weekly services there. However, sending the Monday morning and Wednesday evening info for you here. These links don’t change.
Monday (5AM): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81946590595?pwd=K0hiYmxoU1B2UEh1YnpaZWlrRW5Ldz09
Wednesday (6PM): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82224110480?pwd=UHRiVHA0UUQycUZxNm5ZS2JuYmRBdz09