We anxiously count down toward the resumption of in-house worship and we know that the lifting of those restrictions is just around the corner. However, we are here today streaming “LIVE” as we do every Saturday morning from 10:00am. We also invite you to join us on the Zoom platform for Sunday and Wednesday evening services beginning at 6:00pm.
The wait is over! This week begins our 7-Week 2021 Family Life Series entitled “A Fresh Start”. The series runs every Saturday, “LIVE” on our YouTube channel from 10:00am every Saturday morning. There isn’t much more to say than, “STAY TUNED!!”.
Seventh-day Adventists in Trinidad & Tobago have our very own financial institution, namely the South Caribbean Credit Union located on the compound of the South Caribbean Conference at #1 Deane Street, St. Augustine. All SDA church members in good and regular standing are eligible to join. The credit union is currently in the process of preparing for its AGM. If you are interested to know more, see the above flyer for more details.
The treasury department is reminding all members who pay their tithes and offerings via Direct Debit, Bank Transfers or Bank Deposits that they must also send a breakdown allocation of the funds to the Treasurer via WhatsApp or email (treasury@fiveriverssda.org). This step is VERY important as without it your transaction cannot be processed. Those who have sent funds for August thus far, please double-check to ensure that you have sent the necessary information to the Treasurer so that your transaction can be processed properly and in a timely manner.
Be reminded that we continue to pray for all of our church members and viewers, so Please continue sending in your prayer requests! The link is located in the bio of the YouTube stream every week. You can also email us at connect@fiveriverssda.org.
In addition to our YouTube channel, you can also follow Five Rivers SDA Church on Facebook @frsdachurch, Instagram @frsdachurch and Twitter @frsdachurch. Our youth department is also on Instagram as @FrsdaAy. We invite you to visit us on these forums as we post positive and uplifting content to help keep us going during the week.