Sabbath School

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”2 Timothy 2:15

Sabbath School begins promptly at 9am with a lusty song service. Being on time for the service during Sabbath School Services means that you get an opportunity to partake in a lusty song service. More than that, you have an opportunity to “sharpen iron against iron” as we fellowship and study the word of God together.

During the Sabbath School period we get the opportunity to engage in singing praises to God, learn of the experiences of others through mission stories and also spend time studying the a lesson from the quarterly (a bible study lesson book)

Resources for Adult Lesson Study:
Study Resources

Do note that we have as a church have sabbath services that specifically target the young children as well.

Site Design & Development By: Christopher Francique